Sorry about they apparent "Break Off". I didn't do it intentionally. This stupid computer did something weird when I hit "Post". I was wondering if there is some way to rejoin the 2 threads back together?
As far as the 2 threads you posted. After taking a look at them, You did send them to me. But I don't remember whether it was in another post or via pm. But thank you for the links!!!
There is a critical piece of information missing from both of those threads. And pretty much from the dozen or so You Tube Videos I watched and other internet "instructional posts".
As I asked in a previous post "Can You tell me the difference?" The hint refers to "it's kind of like sex."
Well for those still scratching their heads, the answer is The spokes got to go in the right holes. Doing what almost every does (in the videos & other posts) when they start the lacing, they start at the hole next to the Valve Stem Hole. That would be an Upper Inner Spoke. Then they kind of rotate the hub to maximum extension of the spoke. Then you count 4 holes and the Next Inner Spoke on that side goes in that (4th) hole, and so on around the wheel.
Now Here is the KEY Step that no one comes out and tells anyone.
When you took pictures of the old wheel, they never tell you to remove JUST the Inner Spoke on either side of the Valve Stem and Hold these 2 Spokes VERTICALLY, And then take a picture from at least 3 or 4 angles so that you see how many spoke holes + or - a "half hole" there are between the TOP inner Spoke and the Bottom Inner spoke you are holding vertically.
Once you know the number of holes between the Upper Inner and Lower Inner, you get the offset between sides correct.
On our 40 Spoke wheels, I had 6+ holes as the offset when I laced the wheel incorrectly the first time. Then I looked closely at my pictures and found that the offset was in reality only 5+ holes. That 1 hole difference had me going for a couple of hours until I finally figured it out. It is Such as Subtle Difference that you can walk past it a hundred times, throw your hands up (or throw the wheel across the garage - LOL) and not figure it out.
Now go back and look at the 2 pictures in my "Tell me the difference" post and the 2 pictures of the Hub in the following post.
And now I'll probably get thrown out of the Motorcycle Lacers Club for spilling the Secret to Wheel Lacing. Hahahahaha It could be like the "secret handshake"
Feel free to ask questions. I am willing to help anyone that asks.