I've been renting for about 6 years now. My last two rentals were actual houses. The good thing about this is I have learned how to perform repairs (patching wall holes, yard repairs, electricity, lighting, etc). This experience has also given me some great expectations about what to expect. I've had dishwashers go out, and I had a furnace go out on Thanksgiving morning. I've had a couple plumbing leaks that I know how to keep a good eye on with this stuff. With the current house I'm renting, I've made several improvements/additions (while being paid ofcourse) to the house and yard as well. Stuff like installing new vanities/lighting in the bathroom, recaulking things, repainting things, door repairs, etc.
I've learned how stupid it is to put hardware flooring in kitchens. My renting experience has actually really helped me out I feel.
My current house has been a "fixer". Basically, my landlord pays me to improve and repair it. After the first 3 months it got tiring, but that's about when I finished working on improvements and repairs. I know that my house that I purchase will have to be in much better shape than the one I'm living in currently because I want to spend my time with customization rather than "fixing."
So, I'm paying $1100 a month for rent (it's a large house). I've started to becoming very notable in my career as well, so I'm thinking it's time to buy. I have a good hunch that I will be in the same area for another 3 years, at the least. No plans to move.
I have $22,000 saved up and I'm going to be looking for a house in the $180,000 range. I hope to be moved into my new home in the fall. My credit rating is flawless and above average. With a 30 year loan and 11% down, it the monthly cost is estimated to be the same that I'm paying right now for rent, so that is why I'm thinking it's time!
My only "in debt" items is my student loan, which I've already paid up to about 50% on now (currently at $39,000 left to go). No other debts whatsoever.
So, any tips or advice?
I figure since I still have some time that I will wait to be pre-approved. I plan to work with my credit union on this.
My next step is to create a spreadsheet of "needs" and "wants" so I can track everything when I go out to look at places. I have a pretty good idea of what makes me happy, what I "NEED", and what I "want" through experiences of renting for many years before.
* MUST have a 3 car-garage or bigger. Or a 2 car garage with large shop may work.
* Kitchen MUST be remodeled/roomy/nice. Tired of crummy kitchens with warped flooring and tight spaces.
* MUST be a single story. Tired of two story houses. I rarely ever want to go on the second floor to my music room, so I don't play music as much as I want to anymore.
* MUST have automatic sprinkler systems.
* MUST be in an area that isn't "ANAL" on the HOA bullcrap. I don't want to be notified if I have a garden rake against my house for a couple days.
* MUST have an actual laundry room. Tired of hallway laundry rooms.
* MUST be able to get to work within 12 minute travel.
* MUST have undergone thorough inspection.
* MUST have at least one large bedroom or enclosed space that isn't the master bedroom for a theater room. (8' x 15' or around).
* MUST be 1500-1700 square foot. Don't want anything too much over than that.
* MUST NOT have hardwood flooring in kitchen or laundry area.
* Would be nice for the place to be in walking distance for groceries. The women loves being able to walk to places.
* Would be nice for the place to already have a garden area because I like to grow
* Would be nice for the landscaping to be "somewhat" mature instead of having nothing.
* Would be nice for a covered patio/deck. Can always add it later if not.
* Would be nice to have a garden shed. Could always add one in later.