My CB500 is behaving strangely,and frankly I'm baffled, so maybe one of you wise guys can put me right.
It starts fine from cold with choke, idles OK, and runs well, with great acceleration, until:- once it's properly hot, anything above about 1/4 throttle gives rise to spitting and popping, with a lack of power - it feels like fuel starvation. Then sometimes it seems to recover and accelerates well. At the same point the idle becomes very erratic and cuts out after a few seconds.
I may have disturbed something, but have checked and rechecked:-
Carbs have been out several times, all jets and passageways visually checked (although I've never disturbed the needles and the top half in 5 years). Main and idle jets were replaced in the past couple of years. The emulsion tubes were all clear before and after this issue started.
Floats have all been carefully set to 22mm above the rim, as per manual. Float valves all work, no sticking springs and were replaced 2 years ago.
Air screws are all set to 1.5 turns out, but I haven't gone back to adjust these individually, as it wouldn't account for the issues above idle anyway.
All the carb boots were replaced a year or so ago, as were the O rings on the engine mounts.
There's no problem with fuel flow from the tank, and new fuel pipes have been installed.
I've tried my best to vacuum sync the carbs, and I think they're all pretty close, although I wouldn't claim to be very competent at this.
Timing has been reset and checked and is spot on, with auto advance operating normally.
New coils recently ( but I'm sure this isn't electrical, it has to be fuel-related).
What else could I have missed, or done wrong - this bike was running much better until I fiddled with it!

I plan to take the carbs off yet again (in my sleep this time), check all the boots, check all internals for blockages again, refit and resync, but I fear this won't solve it.