Here's something to keep in the back of your mind(s) when R&R the Neutral switch: up until the F1, the O-ring was [formerly] listed as 3.2x18mm, and became 3x18mm after that. Lately, many parts fiche show only the 3x18.
Here's the skinny I know from experience: if the 3.2 is used and the switch is not fully seated because it is hard to do...the shift drum may develop some lateral movement and/or the Neutral light will not go out when shifted into gear. Accompanying the latter, the O-ring starts to leak after a short time.
My assembly hint: clean the daylights from the Neutral Switch body, especially around the O-ring seat area, and lube it up like a bearing before trying to pop it back in.

And, I have made clamps from cutoff washers, flat pieces of steel, and flattened lock washers, and all worked after the PO lost his and brought me his engine(s) to save.