I just got back from this event. Thought I'd give a report.
Facilities: Turns out VJMC was here 2 years ago and liked it so much, they came back. Nestled in or near the Hoosier Natl Forest, beautiful scenery and great riding. No need to go into geography and history, go here:
http://www.in.gov/dnr/parklake/2968.htmThe Inn has a convention room that handled the 150+ attendees for meetings and meals, which were very good. That comes from my wife and she wouldn't lie about such. Convention room has a glass wall on the forest side.

Activities: Thurs PM: Meet and Greet, Meal: Fri AM Tiddlers (less than 200cc) Parade around the front drive, tour the park roads, park back at the circle drive for People's Choice BEst of Class. Won by a like new C70 PAssport. No good picture

Like this but better and without the wig:

More tiddlers:

Fri PM: swim, banquet, patio party.
Sat: Casual rides to various destinations. 11-3 Peoples Choice for all classes.

Lots of good cafe's, underrepresented in my pics. How about this dustbin sport tourer. Odd but nicely doe.

Oh yeah, I was entered too, and won the costume, er custom class. The closest competitioin was a 91 Nighthawk that had been turboed, stretched, chromed and lowered. REal nice paint too. Got lots of looks, I was ready to concede, but prevailed

Sat PM: banquet, awards, patio party. NExt year in Helen GA, Mid June. Then back to Springmill.
People: These were some of the greatest people you could meet. I was there with my wife who had already let me know she would be no help unloading the bike. Many saw me using my cane and before I could ask, there was help galore. I didn't even lay a hand, heck I didn't even supervise. They took it down, put it up, and repositioned it in line when need be. Even put the cover on. I couldn't do anything except look pitiful and smile. Re met some people from when I belonged years ago. I'll be participating with them as I can. Great Fun.