One more thing when going from point to electronic stuff as Pamco or Dyna that i have experienced. Points work as springs pushing on the cam used with the points.
The elctronic ignition has a rotor that rotates rather free instead of the points rotor. This will rotate a little bit too good anding up in full advanced ignition direct on idle causing soitting carbs and really black plugs.
You need to adjust the springs in the advancer unit to avoid this early advance.
I cut the springs and freshened them up. After that OK with ignition at Idle and full advance at 2700 rpm.
You can try to stiff one of the springs to start with so ignition will be spot on F at idle and full avdvance at 2500rpm
Here is how I did it when I did it. got inspiration from older threads in this forum. I think it was Hondaman that learned us this useful knowledge.