I Salved my head light issue. Here is what I did.....
To recap a little, like I originally stated I live in the city so I ride a lot of Stop and Go, and as calj737 stated my charging system has a hard time keeping up. These bikes where originally set up to run off the battery when riding under about 2,000RPMS. How ever I did originally fail to mention I'm running with Dyna 3.0 ohm coils, and ignition system so that taxes a lot from the charging system, even after I converted every single light bulb to LEDs. '
I wanted to be able to plug an LED light bulb into my H4 stock headlight socket. However when I did plug it in it would not light up. I think it had something to do with the power level/type/flow that is set up to feed the Stock light bulb, plus the plug set up is reversed on an LED Bulb from a halogen bulb. so....
My solution......
I located an empty plug outlet inside the headlight dome wiring harness. In this case it was the empty power port to the blinker buzzer (I had removed the buzzer a long time ago) a Brown w/Blue stripe wire. Using a multi meter I could see that this port had a constant 12V+ power output when the ignition switch was engaged.
So I soldered a wire together to connect the "+Pos" port of the LED to this power port. I then soldered another wire that I could connect the "-Neg" port of the LED to an open ground port (Any Green wire). And that was is, LED H4 Headlight works, and draws very little power to boot.
Riding in the city you don't need much light at night due to street lights. But you still need something. One CON is I don't have a "High Beam" but I don't care, I never use it anyway. When it comes time to go for the inspection I'll just pop back in the original Halogen light bulb. Then switch back after the inspection.
LED Bulb cost me $15.
Thanks for all you help everyone.