Well... my new float needles and seats came in the mail today. When I ordered them from parts n more, it said that they were OEM. But when I opened the package they were wrapped in Keyster wrapping (and didn't have the Keihin stamp on the seats). I read around the forum and from what I read, while not ideal, they should work. So I figured I'd give it a whirl and install them.
Pulled my carbs and replaced the old needles and seats with the new keysters and put everything back together. Took a total of about 2 1/2 hours. Turned the petcock on to prime the bowls while I ran inside to grab my jacket, helmet at gloves. When I came back two minutes later, this is what I found:
Fuel EVERYWHERE. I mean, I've forgotten to turn off my petcock in the past, but I've never seen anything even close to this. It was literally pouring out of the overflow tubes, the airbox drain.... I felt around and noticed that carb #1 had fuel on the outside of the bowl. I figured maybe the problem lied there. I was able to get the bowl off with the carbs on and check things out. On the inside everything looked fine. I held the float in place and turned on the fuel to make sure it would stop like it should... Must've been a different carb.
Anyone have any insights as to what happened? Think that a float was just stuck so the gas just came pouring out without stopping?