Thank you everyone who has taken the time and provided valuable insight, I really appreciate it. I can't describe how good it feels that my project isn't just my bike, it belongs to this SOHC family just as much as it does to me
@Stev-o, @Bill: I agree, many say the same thing, Ruby Red makes the CB750 "Stand Out" a little more than the others
@ilbikes: Inspiring story once again, if you can put up with Chicken Poop Brown, I feel like I at least owe Candy Gold a chance
@Jerry h: That's a good way to look at it, and I agree about it looking different in different lighting. In fact, the first pic above, I thought it was Candy Gold from a bad lighting angle but as
@KC_Northstar clarified, that is in fact Candy Gold Custom. I would never have been able to tell the difference
@Hondaman: The purist in me (gold guy) hates the enthusiast in me (ruby red guy), hence the dilemma

. I thought silver would've screwed them both but it doesn't seem to succeed. Lots of folk arund here who grew up in the 70s, and our town does host a classic auto show in the summer. I was planning to take it there eventually, and I can see the benefit you describe, lot easier to explain
@Terry: I know I will be making the tough decision in the end, this thread has helped me ease the biggest concern I had originally, which is "What if I regret the color choice I make?". Lots of good points that I hadn't originally considered. I know that there aren't many silvers, but
@greenjeans' reply has me thinking about it. There really isn't much contrast in the silver when it sits in between all that Chrome, Polished Aluminum and Painted Engine, so at this point, at least in my head it has been narrowed down to Red and Gold, somewhat of an easier decision
@Dream750: Thanks for that info, and good point on technically being factory correct but not area code, will definitely now be a factor in my final decision
@KC_Northstar: Thanks for clarifying the different golds. Had I known Planet Blue was a correct K2 US color, I'd have included it in the poll. I think* yamiya sells a blue set too, so good to know I have a third "correct" option in case I abandon the gold vs red debate altogether
@greenjeans: I agree that the purist buyer will probably ask for the gold, and cosidering the price I have in mind for it, I'm sure they WILL. But if red is truly a "resale red", then I guess can afford to not worry so much about selling it, at least not right away.