dont get too fussy on your float setting,picture whats going on inside the bowls when the bike is ridden,like hard braking or riding down hill,the fuel rushes forward,or cornering hard left or right,the fuel is side ways?or say powering away hard from a stop light,the fuel is backed up against the rear of the bowls and body over the gasket area,or just riding over rough roads,its a washing machine in there,do the best you can to be accurate but a millimetre aint critical!some guys have farted around to within .25 mm?you really think thats a make or break thing?it aint!just do the best you can and itll be fine,just think about how shook up the float is etc when its ridden,people read too much into the float setting as being critical,only idling and stationary,be sure not to lean your bike over too much at the next stop light,we cant have your precious float level out of kilter?