Author Topic: another vote for seafoam  (Read 21330 times)

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Offline csendker

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #75 on: September 30, 2006, 04:51:07 AM »
My tank was coated by the PO; POR-15? Kreem?  No idea what the coating is, but Seafom doesn't seem to be having any adverse affect on it.
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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #76 on: September 30, 2006, 05:04:39 AM »
OK all you over-served characters over "The Pond" - any of you have any idea if/where it can be obtained in the UK?


'75 CB400/4

If you can’t get seafoam  get some of this stuff. The blokes that done my MoT told me to use it, they restore old Brit bikes and love the stuff. I only got it today from the local motor factor, I’ll let you know how it performs my engine seems a little lumpy they said I don’t need a carb sync the cleaner will do the trick.


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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #77 on: September 30, 2006, 06:57:53 AM »
My boss sells this stuff as a treatment proceedure in addition to a tune up on cars. First step is to connect a vacuum hose leading from any convenient manifold vacuum source into the can of seafoam. Start the engine, and let the engine vacuum suck half the total contents in, while bringing the revs up just enough to keep it running, allowing the engine to die once half the can is used up.
Let it sit for about 10 to 15 mins. and restart engine. Smokes like a mosquito fogger, but is supposed to de-carbonize
the backs of intake valves, tops of pistons, etc. and clean anything else it goes thru. The remainder of the can goes in the tank to aid  injector cleanering. For what it'sworth, I wouldn't put it in my crankcase with the oil tho, with or without a wet clutch.

Offline aptech77

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #78 on: September 30, 2006, 07:36:10 AM »
OK all you over-served characters over "The Pond" - any of you have any idea if/where it can be obtained in the UK?


'75 CB400/4

If you can’t get seafoam  get some of this stuff. The blokes that done my MoT told me to use it, they restore old Brit bikes and love the stuff. I only got it today from the local motor factor, I’ll let you know how it performs my engine seems a little lumpy they said I don’t need a carb sync the cleaner will do the trick.

It also is top notch #$%*!   ;)


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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #79 on: September 30, 2006, 07:42:38 AM »
OK all you over-served characters over "The Pond" - any of you have any idea if/where it can be obtained in the UK?


'75 CB400/4

If you can’t get seafoam  get some of this stuff. The blokes that done my MoT told me to use it, they restore old Brit bikes and love the stuff. I only got it today from the local motor factor, I’ll let you know how it performs my engine seems a little lumpy they said I don’t need a carb sync the cleaner will do the trick.

It also is top notch #$%*!   ;)

That’s what the mechanic in the bike shop told me  ;D

Offline aptech77

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #80 on: September 30, 2006, 07:46:43 AM »
Seafoam is a great cleaner, Lucas is a great top end lube.  ;)

Offline skiri251

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #81 on: September 30, 2006, 11:07:00 AM »
I have just rebuilt the carbs and treated the tank with Por15.
Does Seaform damage Por15?

The bike is not in perfect condition (hesitates at idle etc.) It's got 45k miles on it and I don't know the history. I guess I should put Seaform into the crank case also..

NO - you should figure out what's wrong with the bike - have you done the tappets?  Timing?  Cleaned the carbs?  Changed the oil?  How long have you had the bike?

Aside from that, I can't imagine Seafoam harming the POR-15.

Good to know it won't damage POR-15.
Yes, I did change oil, tappets, timing, rebuilt carbs (new float valves, slow jets), new petcock, new fuel line (no inline filter and as short/straight as possible)
Now it idles okay around 1200 rpm but sometimes hesitates from idle and it stumbles(?) around 6000 rpm (lack of fuel?)
It has (old) Kerker 4 into 1 and pods.
Maybe I need carb tuning.. (115 main, needle at the middle slot, ATM).
I bought it from eBay. I think PO got it from PPO but he doesn't give me any history. It got 45K miles on it and by judging from the general state of the bike (front fork oil seal leaked and there was water in the tank), maybe the engine saw better days. I didn't open up the engine because it wasn't smoking.
I should go through plug chops but a bit lazy so looking for this miracle cure...


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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #82 on: June 03, 2007, 06:45:39 PM »
Yeah, my bike has a slow jet that keeps plugging on the same cylinder, eventually I'll pull the bowls and clean the jet again. This is after a rebuild, the cheap keyster carb rebuild kit does not include new slow jets in the kit. I was at the auto parts store today, debating over a bottle of seafoam, Berryman B-12 or marvel mystery oil. The Seafoam is twice the price of the others,  but since it seems to have a great reputation I sprung for hit, I'm hoping to get good results. Allready after running for a 1/2 hour, its allready running better!

Offline mrbreeze

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #83 on: June 03, 2007, 08:59:21 PM »
Believe it or not......Seafoam "IS" the sh!t!!!!!!!!..........If you don't believe.......don't use it!!!!!........totally makes no difference to me :)
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Offline nickjtc

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #84 on: June 03, 2007, 11:08:32 PM »
Believe it or not......Seafoam "IS" the sh!t!!!!!!!!..........If you don't believe.......don't use it!!!!!........totally makes no difference to me :)

I'm not too up on current grammatical anachronisms...... please clarify.

Seafoam is in fact a load of crap (ie no good)? Or Seafoam is the bees knees and everyone should be using it?? ::) ;) ::)
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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #85 on: June 04, 2007, 05:02:55 AM »
Anybody know if this stuff will affect a Kreem coated tank?  Thanks, Sam

Klerk Kant

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #86 on: June 04, 2007, 06:35:18 AM »
Believe it or not......Seafoam "IS" the sh!t!!!!!!!!..........If you don't believe.......don't use it!!!!!........totally makes no difference to me :)

I'm not too up on current grammatical anachronisms...... please clarify.

Seafoam is in fact a load of crap (ie no good)? Or Seafoam is the bees knees and everyone should be using it?? ::) ;) ::)

bees knees


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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #87 on: June 04, 2007, 06:59:19 AM »
Believe it or not......Seafoam "IS" the sh!t!!!!!!!!..........If you don't believe.......don't use it!!!!!........totally makes no difference to me :)

I'm not too up on current grammatical anachronisms...... please clarify.

Seafoam is in fact a load of crap (ie no good)? Or Seafoam is the bees knees and everyone should be using it?? ::) ;) ::)

bees knees

Nick - I think they really mean its the cats ass  ::)

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #88 on: June 04, 2007, 09:04:27 AM »
Believe it or not......Seafoam "IS" the sh!t!!!!!!!!..........If you don't believe.......don't use it!!!!!........totally makes no difference to me :)

I'm not too up on current grammatical anachronisms...... please clarify.

Seafoam is in fact a load of crap (ie no good)? Or Seafoam is the bees knees and everyone should be using it?? ::) ;) ::)

Try it, you'll like it!  I mix one ounce per gallon at every fill-up.

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2007, 10:37:28 AM »
Seafoam's good, .. and somewhere someone advised me to also use dash of synthetic oil in my gas tank, on occasion, .. it also is a cleaner, I understand, and what happens is now you have some oil in the mufflers, too. I try to add the oil in the fuel for sure, prior to the winter season.

More is NOT better, though .. sparingly is the key.

Offline puppytrax

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #90 on: June 04, 2007, 02:54:36 PM »
...and somewhere someone advised me to also use dash of synthetic oil in my gas tank, on occasion...and what happens is now you have some oil in the mufflers, too...

I read here that adding a can of the 2-stroke pre-mix oil every 10 tankfuls will keep the mufflers lubed...
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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #91 on: June 05, 2007, 09:31:53 AM »
seafoam update, my bike didn't run good while seafoam was in the tank, I used 1/3 of a bottle with a 1/2 tank of gas. The mixutre was more then the 1oz to 1 gallon recommendation, So I drained it and am using that gas for my mower, I then went and got 2 gallons of union 76 premium, now its running better then ever!

the seafoam might have helped, but I don't know. I think alot of quick fix ideas turn out to be gimmicks.

Offline gregimotis

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #92 on: June 05, 2007, 10:04:36 AM »
I have found that too much Seafoam in the tank will cause it to run a little crummy.  It's also fixed some post-winter stumbling on acceleration.

Bees Knees
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Klerk Kant

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Re: another vote for seafoam
« Reply #93 on: June 05, 2007, 11:39:29 AM »
the seafoam might have helped, but I don't know. I think alot of quick fix ideas turn out to be gimmicks.

so do a lot of religions.  seafoam is the jesus christ of quick fixes.  our carbs seem to clog up from nothing but low self esteem so i find half a can of seafoam in a full tank a neccessary measure after a week or two of sitting.  while i admit it is a quick fix which allows me to put off the next title bout between me and my carb bank, it is no gimmick.  ya heard