Hey trusty, welcome.
you'll find a lot of helpful people here, especially for the 500/550 bikes.
TwoTired, dave500, Deltarider, calj737, duanob, to name a few. There are many more.
First thing. Go here and download the shop manual for your bike...
www.honda4fun.comThis will be your guide....
Another good source of $h!tter reading is the Clymer shop manual for your CB.
Good, basic tuning and troubleshooting info. its got pictures, too

you'll want to go through the maintenance seciton and do all items listed for the 3000mi tuneup.
there is a FAQ section on the forum. it covers a lot of the basics.
read there before posting.
upper left, there is a google custom search. search there for older threads on topics you need info from.
read older threads before posting.
And we like pictures. once you hit 5 posts, you can post pictures and show us what you've got
good luck.