Here's a look at the leak from my exhaust. It also seems like the leak from the engine case is getting worse because now it's leaking at the sides from some of the fins. As far as I can tell, the leak from the engine stops once I'm riding, but I pulled back in the garage & found this residue on my exhaust. Figured I should take a pic & show you guys. I changed my oil yesterday before riding.
I haven't found a motorcycle specific compressor that I can borrow, so I still haven't run any tests. But I've just begun plan to rebuild what I can of the engine despite my budget. Would be great if some of you could point further in the right direction. After reading some threads, here's what I've come up with:
APE studs from z1 enterprises, 77.31
Cometic head gasket from z1, 48.23
Cometic base gasket from z1, 12.52
Rings, (need to check my engine number) but has them for $40 a set
Valve stem seals, not sure the best kind to get?
Cam chain tensioner, roller, & guide set from Dynoman, 99.95
Tsubaki cam chain from z1, 32.51
Cylinder head rubber seals from z1, 3.38 each
Cylinder hone, not sure about prices from local shops or if this would be necessary?
This is assuming the valves are in okay condition & only need to be lapped. Does this seem like a thorough enough list for a top end rebuild?