Slow down there, Tiger! Yes, the cam chain needs to be removed from the sprocket before you separate head from the cylinders.
Look at the sprocket, there are 2 bolts, 180 degrees apart. You may need to rotate the crank to reach both bolts. Also, you need to loosen the cam chain (there's an adjuster on the intake side, down low. Loosen the nut all the way to create as much slack as possible). Then wiggle the chain off the sprocket, and lift the cam carefully up, and slide it out.
You'll want a bungee handy to hook into the chain to prevent it from falling into the lower cases.
Voice you have the cam, chain, and sprocket out of the way, very carefully begin to lift the head away. Some wiggling, some very gentle prying under the sides (should be a flat spot in the casting) with a wedge. Don't break a fin, or pry to hard. It's been together a long while, and may put up a fight. Some heat around the base may help, and some solvent sprayed into the gasket area to aide breaking down the adhesion.
Go easy, less force = better results. And grab a manual! While you can learn about these engines, you won't know what's truly necessary and the purpose and requirement of all the small o-rings, seals etc that may or may not be there.