Author Topic: CB350F Right ignition coil wont fire the plugs.  (Read 610 times)

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Offline EmilCb350f

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CB350F Right ignition coil wont fire the plugs.
« on: July 25, 2014, 10:59:29 AM »
Hello fellas, here goes my first post.

During the winter I have been busy with my first project, a brat style cafe racer cb350f.
I have been riding it all summer until now, and it ran like a charm.
But suddenly cylinder 1 and 4 sets out, and I'm losing power and the engine shuts off if I don't give it throttle. It is only running on two cylinders (2 and 3)
I checked the spark from the sparkplugs going to cylinder 1 and 4 which is fired by the right side ignition coil.
As i gave it throttle it occasionally sparked in the beginning and now it won't spark at all.
I figured it must be a bad right side coil, since the sparkplugs where fine and recently purchased (tested them on the left side coil which fires cylinder 2 and 3).

I found my multimeter and had fine readings on the left side coil, but no continuity in the right side coil. This was between the sparkplug wires where i should get around 14K OHMs.
I therefore bought a new one from davidsilverspares:

Its has perfect readings and fits like a glove on the frame where the old one was installed before I replaced it.
It won't fire the plugs at all now and I can't figure out why!!
All the connections seems to be good. I've connected the black wire to  the black connecter and the yellow to the blue, I've tried switching them and so forth.
could it be a bad ground wire somewhere?
When following the connections to the the alternator and ground, it seems fine (haven't tested the wires yet).
Due to the fact that it started out pretty inconsistent before it stopped sparking at all, I'm thinking that it could be a loose wire somewhere?

If any of you guys know what is a known culprit regarding this, I would greatly appreciate you sharing it with me  ;)

Note: I've rebuild the wiring harness myself, and removed winkers, tag and speedometer, fitted a lithium battery etc.

Sorry if this topic already exist, I've been looking like crazy!

Ps: I'll post some pics and videos when I get home if you need it.

Thanks a lot!

« Last Edit: July 25, 2014, 02:28:05 PM by EmilCb350f »
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Offline flybox1

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Re: CB350F Right ignition coil wont fire the plugs.
« Reply #1 on: July 25, 2014, 01:41:27 PM »
Your statement, if true, that it only ran on 3 & 4 in the beginning, makes me think its not a coil 1&4cyls are fired off one of the coils, and 2&3cyls are fired off the other.
Did you test all plug caps, and cut the coil wires back to ensure the caps were connected to good, uncorroded wire?

Check your coil ground, and clean the frame for a good connection.

Post these type of technical questions over here... .'ll get more and faster responses
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Offline EmilCb350f

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Re: CB350F Right ignition coil wont fire the plugs.
« Reply #2 on: July 25, 2014, 02:31:12 PM »
Thanks a lot flybox1

Should I repost there then?

DOH! I mistyped. It is corrected now. It is running on cylinder 2 and 3 not 3 and 4, since the right coil as you say fires cylinder 1 and 4.

To get everything straight, cylinder 1 and 4 is NOT running.

Sorry  :-\
"The wind is my speedometer, my ears are my tach and my arms are my winkers."