Author Topic: Electrical Help 1975 Honda CB750  (Read 719 times)

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Offline Joe24

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Electrical Help 1975 Honda CB750
« on: July 30, 2014, 03:01:30 PM »
Thank you for looking into this. I will do my best to explain my problem and how it unfolded. If you have any questions or comments please ask.

I have a 1975 Honda CB750 (K4/K5?). I bought it used and the previous owner noted that the electric start had been modified before he purchased the bike. (I will explain the modification shortly). He didn't know the details of the modification and the electric start would not work due to a drained battery; he preferred to kick start the bike anyways. I also noted that the kill switch was disabled and was told it was a part of the modified starter.  After purchasing the bike I replaced the battery and the modified electric start worked fine. everything was smoooooth sail'n.

The electric start modification seemed to be a wire soldered onto the orange/red wire coming from the starter relay, connected to a pushbutton switch. From there a wire ran into the switch housing which had a small hole chiseled into it where the original button used to be. From there i do not know where the wire ran within the switch housing. (See attached photos)

I recently took it upon myself to change my handlebars, requiring me to disconnect the wiring to all of the instruments on my old bars. I thought rewiring the bike would be a simple reassembly, and so far it has, except for this modified electrical starter. I don't know where to reattach the wire coming from starter button.

If someone is familiar with this modification or rewiring bikes in general, please comment with some advice. I would really appreciate it.

Offline martin99

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Re: Electrical Help 1975 Honda CB750
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2014, 03:20:32 PM »
Hello Joe, and welcome. Don't you just love PO mods? I'm afraid I'm far too thick to help you, but if you post your question in the SOHC Bikes section you'll likely get more replies ;)
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Offline Joe24

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Re: Electrical Help 1975 Honda CB750
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2014, 03:35:20 PM »
Thank you, I found the correct page and reposted

Offline goldarrow

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Re: Electrical Help 1975 Honda CB750
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2014, 03:49:22 PM »
That wiring mod is just trouble waiting to happen.  I would get rid of that quick. Good functional right hand control switch can still be found.  Look around the classified section, I'm sure someone has one in their bins
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Offline Roach Carver

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Re: Electrical Help 1975 Honda CB750
« Reply #4 on: July 31, 2014, 02:05:18 PM »
I believe what you are missing is a terminal end that goes in the switch housing. Its a little fiber piece that the wire is soldered into. If it were me I would buy a set of bars on ebay with controls or just grab a switch. Some of the repops can be had for less than 100 bucks.