You see this fine looking gentleman here? That's Pandora's God Father and my great friend Larry T Harris. Larry is a master motorcycle mechanic and he was my saving grace almost 4 years when I was very close to abandoning Pandora because of a few nagging mechanical issues I'd had every since I owned her.
I racked up a lot of towing bills, the biggest and final straw was the bill I got for $180 when she gave up the ghost on my way back from Alabama! Luckily another great friend, Adam Nicholas, turned me on to Larry and it's been Heaven on two wheels every since!
Larry knows motorcycles inside and out and he keeps Pandora running like a fine Swiss watch, I think he even gets a little excited whenever he has her in his shop.

His shop is located outside of Cartersville, Ga on a beautiful piece of farm land that has been in his family for about 100 years. Every year Larry plants one of his fields with sunflowers and in June it is quite a sight to behold and great for dove hunting.
Did I mention that about 13 weeks ago he had heart surgery?You'd never know it because he has recovered well and luckily for me he is back in his shop doing what he loves to do. Larry has transformed Pandora from a decent but, not quite where I wanted her to be bike, to the beauty you see before you.
I am a lucky man indeed and I'm grateful to have Larry T Harris among my friends. Thank you Larry, you do excellent work!