I'll try to keep this from being too obvious, this being my first post here.
I've recently come into possession 3 CB550 engines (okay, truthfully I haven't bought them yet but it's not likely anyone else will get them before I do), and would like to use one of them to repair the engine in my current bike, a '77 CB550. I just am not certain of the ability to swap between them. I've been using Powersedge as the means of figuring out which will work for which, but unfortunately they stopped listing anything older than 1977.
The engines are 2 '76 CB550's and 1 '74 CB550. All I'm really interested in is the cylinder head (along with the valves). Can I expect full compatibility or did things change in '77 when they went to the K model? I didn't think so, but wasn't sure if the '74 would be too early to fit my '77 K.