These are fun to scoot around on. This one has been ridden for years after bought used.
It has sat a fair bit and ridden a fair bit. Since it's starting to be used we thought how good it's been, and how dependable, and after checking the maintainance log
we decided to go ahead with it's first oil change in almost a decade.
Since you can just walk start it we generally ignored the fact it had trouble idling. It finally started having trouble starting so I went ahead and changed the sparkplug ten years early. It made little difference, but I was able to start with ether. Had some time this evening to repeatedly alternate filling the float bowl with Berryman's and running it through, it finally idled indefinitely until I ran it more. I will repeat the Berrymans or Seafoam the tank and hopefully it will continue to improve. I also replaced the fuel line that crumbled.
For the model itself I say heading into it's third decade it's cool next to any scooter, and 5 speed has it's advantages. It's Super economical, and if you stay on the pipe you can sort of get out of the way of traffic, and with my 250 pounds of goo on board, on open road in the right circumstances it will rev towards 9 grand and peg the speedo a bit past 50.