Author Topic: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???  (Read 3341 times)

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Offline ProTeal55

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I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« on: September 25, 2006, 12:02:17 PM »
I have been hanging around my buddie and his Triumph bobber allot lately, and the more & more i ride it, see it, hear it , the more I want one of my own. He built it himself from the ground up for under $2000, which is killer in my book. When me and him go out , his scoot gets more attention then mine does no matter where we go, and for a triumph is quite reliable.

I plan to pickup a 2007 Roadking in the spring for daily riding duties, so now my play/city bike options are gonna open up. I have allready sketched my triumph project out, and it looks to be one wicked ride. Kinda go with a board/flat tracker look , with a 21'' front and 19'' rear wheels, Jockey shift, twist grip clutch, small ass clip-on bars, sprocket-rotor (sprotor) brake in rear linked to a mini drum up front, black wheels with stainless spokes, turn signals flushed into frame and smoked over, and a Salinas boys drop neck tank. All of this on a stock Triumph frame with a 5'' bolt-on hardtail, painted in black or a dark grey. Also want to do some large racing numbers in maybe gold leaf or some other brite/contrasting color to give it that racey look... :D

So , Do I sell the CB to fund (or help) fund this project ?
Is the CB worth selling , for all the time and $$ I have into it ?
If I have the RoadKing and Triumph will I ride the CB ? (Probably will)

What to do, what to do...?
All advice / comments / and cash offers for the bike are welcome  ;D
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 12:32:51 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline Jeff

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2006, 12:08:52 PM »
Keep the CB, make it your daily rider and skip the HD.

Then build the Triumph.

BTW, I could be wrong, but I believe "suicide shift" isn't really accurate. I think what you're referring to is jockey shift.


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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2006, 12:14:50 PM »
What year Trumpet? A pre-unit construction version?

Offline ofreen

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2006, 12:24:19 PM »
You are on the SOHC Honda site asking if you should sell the Honda to buy a Triumph?  That don't compute.  Only you can know if the Honda means enuf to you to keep it.  The only correct answer is to have them both.
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 12:31:33 PM by ofreen »
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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2006, 12:25:26 PM »
Keep the CB, make it your daily rider and skip the HD.

Then build the Triumph.

BTW, I could be wrong, but I believe "suicide shift" isn't really accurate. I think what you're referring to is jockey shift.


                 For what it's worth, I agree with Jeff. I don't really understand the "Road King" thing. Go CB750 and Triumph.
                                                   Later on, Bill 
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Offline ProTeal55

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #5 on: September 25, 2006, 12:32:14 PM »
I am def. getting the RoadKing (sorry guys).
I want a roadworthy bike that I can blast to wisconsion for the day with my buddies.
The CB is more than capable of this, just the HD will be more comfy for pro-longed rides.
Plus I miss having a bagger...

I just am not sure that even if I were to put the CB up for sale, if I would get anything more than $1500 for it. Cause if thats the case, I will keep it...
What year Trumpet? A pre-unit construction version?
If you are asking what year Triumph, it will most likely be a 68 or a 69 frame, with a bolt-on hardtail for the rear. Dont want anything to do with the oil in frame bikes...
I could be wrong, but I believe "suicide shift" isn't really accurate. I think what you're referring to is jockey shift.
You are correct sir , my error on that one...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 12:34:43 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

Offline dusterdude

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2006, 12:53:02 PM »
keep it joe
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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2006, 12:54:03 PM »
Keep the CB, make it your daily rider and skip the HD.

Then build the Triumph.

BTW, I could be wrong, but I believe "suicide shift" isn't really accurate. I think what you're referring to is jockey shift.

jockey shift is used with a jockey clutch setup like old harleys and indians used,with the clutch pedal setup like a car that is called a suicide shift.
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Offline ChrisR

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2006, 01:13:42 PM »
Proteal - it seems like you've put a lot of yourself into that bike over the time that I've been a member and I've enjoyed following your progress with it. I know I couldn't produce a bike as individual and special as yours. Sometimes you can get a bit fed up with something you've been so closely involved with and worked so hard on.
If you are in a position to do so could you not just throw a sheet over it and let it sit at the back of a garage while you are getting on with your new projects?
When you come to ride it again (when you are fed up with the lumbering Roadking and leaking Triumph ;)) you will appreciate it more.
Whatever you got for it if you sold it you would probably feel like you had given the bike away.
Only you know what to do though.
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Offline jalfonso

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #9 on: September 25, 2006, 01:23:58 PM »
Just my .02 worth but I would keep it.  You can never have too many bikes.  Besides they look so good lined up in the garage.


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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #10 on: September 25, 2006, 01:25:25 PM »
and to think that i voted for you for botm and this is how you repay us...  :'(

so, how much?  can you put a price on it?  i thought not  :P
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Offline ProTeal55

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #11 on: September 25, 2006, 01:34:25 PM »
You guys all all right , and I appreciate the comments.
I have put allot of time and allot more effort into this project, and am happy with wear
it stands as of today. I have a tendency to get used to my "toys", and take them for granted.

I am gonna build the Triumph over the winter , park the CB and the 55 , and deal with if I want a roadking in the spring. Space to keep all these thins really isn't an issue, as I have my garage at home , along with my aunts less than 2 miles away which I overtake from time to time  ;D
Just with the hookup / Fell off the truck special I can get on triumph parts (frame = $100 - Fresh motor = $300 ) , I would be stupid not to build a badass scoot , which I could prob. sell for three times what i will have into it...
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #12 on: September 25, 2006, 01:39:37 PM »
How about a price on the CB. I'm trying to talk my son into getting one :)

Offline nickjtc

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #13 on: September 25, 2006, 01:54:06 PM »
At risk of sounding like a stuck record, keep the Honda, forget the HD, go for the Triumph. Having said that a Road King is a nice bike.

Bear in mind that the Triumph will never match the Honda for reliability or long term durability, so it will definately be a labour of love.

I feel your pain; I have the three bikes and really only need two of them. But I know that if I sold Sophie I would regret it....
Nick J. Member #3247

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Offline ProTeal55

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #14 on: September 25, 2006, 01:59:40 PM »
Something like this - in black - with tighter bars is ALL me...

Totally badass !!!

Bear in mind that the Triumph will never match the Honda for reliability or long term durability, so it will definitely be a labour of love.
I know Triumph's have a history of being mechanical/electrical nightmares, but my buddy Danny's scoot proves this wrong time and time again ! His bike has all new electrics, with a minimal approach.
He made a very simple/overkill wiring system to ensure no electrical issues. He ridesthat thing next to me all the time , and it always kicks on the first try. I plan to copy his bike to a T , so hopefully my issues will be kept to a minimun...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 02:11:36 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2006, 04:02:24 PM »
At risk of sounding like a stuck record, keep the Honda, forget the HD, go for the Triumph. Having said that a Road King is a nice bike.

Bear in mind that the Triumph will never match the Honda for reliability or long term durability, so it will definately be a labour of love.

I feel your pain; I have the three bikes and really only need two of them. But I know that if I sold Sophie I would regret it....

Or, keep the CB, buy a NEW Triumph, and that will fill both the Road King and old Triumph's roles!
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Offline Jeff

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2006, 04:20:37 PM »

Or, keep the CB, buy a NEW Triumph, and that will fill both the Road King and old Triumph's roles!

Now there's a good idea. Maybe customize a new Bonnie like that. That'd be cool.

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2006, 05:00:12 PM »
Sell the CB
Trade the wife for parts
Get rid of the kids, they're just getting in the way anyway
.......and never come back here again!!!!!!

Yeah right ;D
 I can see the allure of that bike in the photo above.."I REALLY CAN!"  But you won't get enough $$ for the CB for you not to kick yourself  in the ASS later when we all show up on your lawn one morning and you don't have a sohc to ride with us ::)

P.S. Had the greatest ride today.   I tore the #$%* out this little Island! 
sorry just no other way to describe it

Offline Ernie

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2006, 05:34:47 PM »
 ::) wow  i say get the Roadking it tops my wish list too and definatly build the triumph those bikes in the pictures rool ,but hang on to the cb if ya can because you built it and did an awsome job,not to mention cb's rock too but that goes without saying obviously ;D nothin wrong with having three great bikes ;D>>>>>>>envy envy :'(  ;)
Its all happening !
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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2006, 05:56:19 PM »
It's very unlikely that you'll get as much for a customized classic bike as you would if it were mostly stock, in the same condition.  Keep it, or you'll be kicking your own ass later! >:( ;)

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2006, 06:24:30 PM »
You have to keep the CB. If you don't, that bike will curse you forevermore.  It has become part of your personality and vise-versa.  You will regret the sale somewhere down the road and then spend four times as much to by another CB for resto.  Just ask my dad about his Indian Chief that he sold in 1974.  He paid nearly nothing for it, put some cash into it and made it his own.  He sold it when he wanted to buy another bike.  His "new" bike was a total lemon, not real fun to ride, and a major disappointment.  He bought bike after bike trying to fill the missing void, but every bike was a let down.  Until, his Indian came up for sale at auction and he bought it back in 1996.  Let's just say, my inheritance is significantly smaller, unless I get the Indian. ;)

P.S.  If I ever mention a word about selling my CB, stick a hot poker in my pee hole.

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #21 on: September 25, 2006, 06:34:54 PM »
I say keep the Cafe'd 750 and get another one (a stocker) for weekend jaunts. You can bag them up too, and the 750 is nice on longs trips (won't beat the hell out of you). You could afford to do all this with money you saved by not buying the Harley. Don't get me wrong, if I was to buy a Harley, the Road King would be at the top of my list, but the stock 750 answers the call well when asked to do long-distance touring.

(However, if you do decide on a price, I can buzz out to Chicagoland on the weekend with a bike trailer to take it off your hands... ;D ;))
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Offline ProTeal55

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #22 on: September 25, 2006, 08:35:18 PM »
Well - after sitting at the bar with both my oldschool and Harley buddies, I have decided to keep the CB and finish up some loose ends/projects on it. As everyone has said I am not gonna get nearly what i have into it, so I might as well keep it, plus I do enjoy riding it  ;D

The RoadKing Classic is in my future, thats a definite. That bike with no windshield , wide whitewalls and some beach bars is the def. of what a Harley should be. You guys have to remember I come from the Harley/American V-Twin world, and this SOHC Honda thing kinda came about without planning.

I thought about getting a new bonnie and making it look "old" , but that kinda defeats the purpose.
The only new bike I am buying is a Roadking, and if any Triumph is under my ass, it's gonna be old...
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends


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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #23 on: September 25, 2006, 09:15:31 PM »
Got any pics of your buddys triumph?

Offline ProTeal55

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Re: I am on the fence - do I sell the CB or not ???
« Reply #24 on: September 25, 2006, 09:20:12 PM »
Got any pics of your buddys triumph?
This is the only one I have at the momment.
He built it in his 1 car garage all by himself in less then three months, for under 2grand...
He is getting his bike shot for "The Horse" this week, so I will have some better pics soon...
« Last Edit: September 25, 2006, 09:23:33 PM by ProTeal55 »
Joe a.k.a ProTeal55 a.k.a JoeyCocks a.k.a Maker of Friends