It has become part of your personality and vise-versa.
once you put that time into it, part of you is in it. it's why i ended up with my 400; the guy i went in on it with recognized that i'd put enough work into it solo, that the bike was mine regardless of what the DMV may think. and certainly, part of it is in you. you know every nuance and recognize the new ones as they appear. if you doubt this, go (re)read "Zen and the Art of" and pay special attention to the bit where he talks about his friend with the same bike.
that said, were i to start a new bike today, it'd be a bobber. though i think i'd like a stock bonnie. something to tour a bit with.
cafes were not meant to tour.
yeah, go get the road king. if you like them, cool, get it and ride the hell out of it.
not my bag, but it's not my cash or ass either.