Hey Folks; First let me apologize for this post! I have to use "Dial-Up" out here where I live for my Internet ! This makes looking for anything SUPER SLOOOOOW ! So I'm coming to my fellow SOHC 4 folks with a favor to ask. Here is the favor I ask. Who ALL sells Stainless Steel Allen bolt kits for a 1976 cb400F ? If you folks would kindly give me the link of the companies I'll try to look at them to decide who to go with. Specifically I'm looking for SS allen bolt kits that are cheap and Complete ! They don't have to be polished or show quality just stainless ! I wish to THANK any folks that can help me in my search !!! Thanks in advance, ...cougar... P.S. Any one who has a snarky remark about me asking others to do my searching for me, well I have many things to say, but I'll just say, TRY DIAL-UP @ 28.8Kbps, then comment !