Author Topic: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?  (Read 1171 times)

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Offline mario medeiros

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cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« on: August 04, 2014, 04:22:09 AM »
Has a 72 750 chopper that has forward controls that sometimes goes into the gears just fine and sometimes you need to use the back of your heel to kick it into gear,1st and 2nd are allways fine just 3rd and up can be a problem,sometimes I find if I let of the gas and lower the rpm it will shift?Bike just started doing this a few  weeks ago ,as I am riding I can feel on the end of my boot if the shifter has resistance I know it will go into gear but if no resistance (shifter feels sloppy like there is nothing there)I will have to kick it into gear or get off the gas and lower the rpm then try to get it to shift up,shifting down seems ok? any ideas?thanks

Offline bjbuchanan

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 10:39:16 AM »
Try a clutch adjustment on an already warm engine
The dirty girl-1976 cb750k, Ebay 836, Tracy bodykit
Round top carbs w/ 38 pilots, middle needle position, airscrew 7/8ths out, 122 main jet
Stock airbox w/ drop in K&N, Hooker 4-1

Don't trust me alone with a claw hammer and some pliers

Offline PeWe

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #2 on: August 04, 2014, 12:38:31 PM »
Gear shifter mechanism OK? Spring might have loosened...
Try another oil.
See oil related discussions where dragging clutch and difficulties to find neutral are rather common oil issues.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2014, 12:41:57 PM by PeWe »
CB750 K6-76  970cc (Earlier 1005cc JMR Billet block on the shelf waiting for a comeback)
CB750 K2-75 Parts assembled to a stock K2

Updates of the CB750 K6 -1976,180468.msg2092136.html#msg2092136
The billet block build thread,49438.msg1863571.html#msg1863571
CB750 K2 -1975  build thread,168243.msg1948381.html#msg1948381
K2 engine build thread. For a complete CB750 -75,180088.msg2088008.html#msg2088008
Carb jetting, a long story Mikuni TMR32,179479.msg2104967.html#msg2104967

Offline mario medeiros

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #3 on: August 04, 2014, 01:47:46 PM »
Will adjust clutch (more slack or cable tighter?)do find at times when I gear up as I get off the throttle to pull in the clutch the bike will not lower the rpm's as quickly as it should when you go to change to a higher gear?

Offline martin99

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #4 on: August 04, 2014, 02:54:05 PM »
Will adjust clutch (more slack or cable tighter?)do find at times when I gear up as I get off the throttle to pull in the clutch the bike will not lower the rpm's as quickly as it should when you go to change to a higher gear?

You'll need to adjust the clutch properly. Just loosening or tightening the cable won't do it.

Slacken off completely the adjustment at both ends of the cable, so the cable is not under any tension.
Loosen the locknut under the clutch cover. Turn the adjusting screw out a turn or two(so it is free), then turn back in clockwise until you can just feel the pressure of it getting tighter. Back it off 1/4 turn, and holding it in position tighten the locknut.
From the clutch cover end, take up the adjustment on the cable until you have about 3/8" to 1/2" freeplay at the lever - meaning you can pull the lever in by that amount before any resistance is felt.
Job done. Use the adjuster at the lever for fine tuning if needed.

The hanging throttle - slow to lower rpms - is probably unrelated IMO. I'd suggest a 3K tune up finishing with a vacuum sync. If it's still there after that, suspect airleaks around the inlet rubbers. Also check your cables are lubed and returning properly.
Build threads:
77 750F2 Refresh Project

1977 CB750 F2
1958 Norton Model 99
2011 Triumph Street Triple 675

Offline Finnigan

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #5 on: August 04, 2014, 03:57:26 PM »
Had same problem on smaller bike a while ago, adjustment aside you should look into new clutch springs.  Might be worth it to spend a few dollars more and get brand new heavy duty ones.  They make a world of difference!

I have an in the package clutch kit from APE if you need it

Offline mario medeiros

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #6 on: August 10, 2014, 03:48:12 AM »
Well turned out to be the shifter drum(I think that is what you call it)the center screw was loose and I saw the netural position on the round disk did not line up so I moved it around tighten the center screw and now it goes through all gears and the little roller sits in the cut out for the netural stop,thank god that is all it was.Hope this helps others with their shifting problems(remove that left hand cover and take a good look at the shifter drum and all those shifters and springs).

Offline martin99

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Re: cb750 sometimes hard to go into gear?
« Reply #7 on: August 10, 2014, 11:41:21 AM »
Well done for sorting it, and thanks for coming back with the solution :)
Build threads:
77 750F2 Refresh Project

1977 CB750 F2
1958 Norton Model 99
2011 Triumph Street Triple 675