Author Topic: Kiss the Tiger 1050 goodbye!  (Read 565 times)

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Kiss the Tiger 1050 goodbye!
« on: August 11, 2014, 07:30:40 PM »
Tiger 1050 broke down for the 2nd time in a month today on the way home.

I'll give my daily rider one break down, two break downs for the same reason and there won't be a 3rd.

Dealer said it was the voltage regulator the first time, 200 dollar part.  Inexcusibly they 'fixed' it and returned it to me without any coolant in the radiator.  Voltage regulator blew again tonight.  I'm not spending another 200 to replace it again, and won't spend even more figuring out what the real problem is.

I'm not really attached to that bike like I am my Honda, I just ride it every single day to work and back.  A motorcycle should last more than 40k miles before breaking down.

Gonna trade it in first chance I get.  Not sure what I'm going to get - was eyeballing one of them Zero electric motorcycles.

Yeah I'm a PO'd right now. >:(
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Re: Kiss the Tiger 1050 goodbye!
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2014, 07:32:27 PM »
Many people swear by their Tigers. Sorry to hear about yours….

I'm going with a KLR as my daily driver, weekend explorer, camping carrier, gas saver, all-year rounder.