Fenders wasn't a bad guy he was just misunderstood I like the CB450. Looking at some past threads fenders was always raising retro's blood pressue up a few notches.
You may be right, Dhal, but one would never know it by his conduct on this a forum.
Everyone likes the 450, but his silly thread about it was the most immature thing I've ever read (an no, I don't mean the whitewashing he got, but his inane insistence about being "faster", no "quicker" no, "better").
He was frequently getting many people's blood up. With a regard to Retro, Retro always plays it straight, hard, and down the middle. He's careful to express what is his
opinion, versus what is
fact versus his
expereience. Not Fenders; it's is always his opinion is
fact and if you differ or defy that, then you're a "hater". Really? Grow up, little boy.
I've received numerous PMs from him over CBParakeet's thread. I thought about posting them purely to humiliate the kid, but chose to keep inviting him to ignore me and desist, politely. And it continued. And every PM was a further distortion of the truth, or what was written. So, in his words, "these old men who can't read" that little peekerhead needs to learn to read what he wrote, and to accurately determine the definition of words he uses. For instance "Restorationist" in his avatar. What a tool! Look up the meaning of that word.
He's no closer to being right about nearly anything he's ever written than I am to Mars. And he's the most self-contradicting poser I've ever come across. And if he, ever, read what was written as suggestions and information for
his benefit instead of as an assault on him, he'd so much further along in life and bikes.
And by the way, I guessed he missed the whole day in motorcycle training where they tell you to scan the
road surface, and that intersections, are the single most diabolical patches of pavement because that's where the oil
is. Try to explain away his negligence on other factors, please! Newbie riding mistake by an ignorant peep. I'm very glad only his ego was hurt. Scratch that, he didn't even learn
that frickin' lesson.
He will, I'm quite certain, become a statistic of riding tragedy. Hence, I shuddered when he posted this thread. His arrogance and hubris will get him killed and that will be a shame. Perhaps he is a nice guy, and in person would be most like able. But from his conduct here, I wouldn't give that kid air if he was stuck in a jar.
And as for giving me a "mouthful of teeth", I'll pay the airfare to straighten that pink out, I've raised kids for nearly 30 years and haven't lost one yet. His mom and dad should send him to Camp Cal like so many other parents have done. They get back a level-headed, respectful, kid. And I'll break my foot off so far up Fender's bum, that when he coughs you could clip my toenails.
Good riddance until he grows up. (But I earnestly hope he does learn to ride
Rant over. Let's return to whipping the boy!