I notice that there are a few being offered as replacements to the original cam chain. My question, is would you trust one?
Frankly I'm not sure I'd trust one on the drive chain, but I have a chain breaking and chain staking kit, so I've never had a need for a master link chain. The cam chain is a different beast altogether - its far too small to lend itself to traditional motorcycle tools and coupled with the need to completely tear the engine apart, there is an obvious draw to something like a master link.
What bike? Honnda used to use a clip link on the 305 SuperHawk, but I think it is NLA. Nevertheless, I never heard of one failing, and there were some pretty highstrung 305s in the day.
That link is the same dimension as the CB750 et al chain. We used it on bike overhauls where the owner was too cheap to split the cases. No long term personal history, but no news of failure either.
Cam chains do have staked links and there are tools small enough to stake it properly.
Too cheap to buy the tool, we used to stake them by backstopping the link with a chisel jammed in the cases behind the master link and, with a very sharp and teeny chisel, punching an X in the end of the link pins to fold it over. That was a common method.