Some of the styling on these newer Italian bikes look like they were done by someone coming down off a meth high, lol! Nothing like the sexy curves of a Taburini-designed bike like the original Ducati 916. Some of these latest offerings from the land of pasta and the mafia are just downright fugly, IMHO.
I have an "Italian sister" for my CB650, my PITA Cagiva 650. Took me almost 10 minutes this afternoon just to get it started, then had to hold the throttle open around 2500 rpms for five minutes before I felt comfortable enough that it would idle without shutting off. But hey, whaddaya expect for a bike that's 28 years old, before all these data logs, profiles, and laptop tuning wizardry became the norm. But once that Cagiva's started and all warmed up, she's a very nice ride, and with those Bub mufflers, sounds like an Italian v-twin should!