Early 70's, on the way to the lake, we left about dusk, but nobody was dressed for night riding. After midnight, leaving a one-stoplight town, we did what motorcyclists do when presented with a straight and open road, we gave it what for. A couple miles out of town I saw the flashers come on way way back, so I eased off from way too fast, the cop went flying past me. A bit later, the two ahead of me figured out what was happening and backed off. The guy in front on a Kaw 500 MachIII was tucked in low for a top end run and couldn't make out the flashers behind him. It took a couple more miles to get his attention away from his top end run.
The officer collected our papers, and set us in the cruiser. He put the heater on high, and left the car as more cruisers showed up. I think we had the whole night shift of the Huron County Sheriff present. It took about twenty minutes to run our licenses, and we were beginning to thaw out. Everybody came up clean, so we got a little talking to, the warm up that we desperately needed, and we were sent on our way, without citations.