The compression #'s that I got (around 100) were done with the bike warm. I didn't think the low figures (at idle) was an issue as someone told me it was because of the hotter cam that i installed. Am I wrong?? Anybody have compression figures with 836 kit and similar cam as mine???
I recently readjusted the valves and it seems the ticking has gone away after tightening up the gap some. (I was also able to fish out the piece of feeler gauge that fell into the cylinder head as well.) I test drove and the bike feels like it has power, and the only odd sound i heard was the same ticking but ONLY a very very slight bit when the engine RPM's were dropped too low, and I also had a passenger. Everything above 4K rpms felt great. I am wondering if loose valves would alter compression readings significantly???
I am still getting smoke when the bike is cold if i rev the engine at all after start up. I really can't figure out if i'm burning gas or oil. I thought it was gas, so I've got my fuel screws JUST BARELY cracked open 1/4 turn to keep the bike running at idle. Still, when the bike is cold there is something coming out the tailpipe that shouldn't be. Someone told me here that it was condensation, but it really smells not like condensation. Another potentially related problem is that the crankcase seems to be overly pressurized, and I'm leaking oil from the cylinder head (new gasket when rebuilt, but leaked from the getgo). I've added a breather filter to the oil tank to crankcase breather line, and that seemed to help a bit, but I'm still getting oil coming out of the cylinder head cover gasket. WTH??? I've removed oil from the system, and I"m below the top line on the dipstick. I am contemplating drilling a hole through a tappet cover and adding a bleed nipple or something, because I can't figure out why oil continues to leak. Could I somehow have a clogged oil return from the cylinder head cover area??? Could oil be leaking through seal because of this, and also down valves and causing oil burn off during cold start???