Can't really agree with the new shorts scenario. You have old points, give them a cleanup with some wet'n'dry & install a hondaman ignition. The old points are only going to pull in milli-amps through the contacts, big deal. With old points and a clean connection & some lube, those points will likely last almost forever together with the HM installation. New points will help if you have a stock setup with no hondaman ignition, where amps are being pulled through the contacts, making them wear.
I have the pamco and i'm happy, but just want to sort out the apples from the oranges. As far as GoldArrows costings go, don't forget that your bike will already have the points there for you to clean up, so i think he has a point. On the other hand, who cares about a $42 difference if your going to keep the bike a long time and want a pamco. I think its more like betamax vs VHS.