Author Topic: Can I keep my stock (looking) Speedo and Tach with a GSXR front end??  (Read 553 times)

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Offline welard

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Hi everyone

Ok.....the GSXR600 front end, complete including rotors is on its way. A whole bunch of other things still to get and I will be building a parts cache over the next few months...but thinking well ahead i want to keep the stock speedo and tacho of the CB750.

This won't be possible for the speedo, but I would like to keep the stock looking twin gauge look and am looking for advice on where I can get a similar looking speedo as a replacement or somehow adapt the existing one, or if necessary replace both the speedo and tacho to a set that are the same size and look.

I know everyone is going to a single gauge or those little 2.5" gauges, but I quite like the look of the old gauges.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. 


« Last Edit: August 29, 2014, 12:54:21 AM by welard »

Offline welard

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Re: Can I keep my stock (looking) Speedo and Tach with a GSXR front end??
« Reply #1 on: August 29, 2014, 09:27:27 PM »
Awesome nice are the gauges they offer!?! Thanks heaps for the direction......