I had a telephone chat with David from Saisei-Europe earlier and he is ordering quite a few CB750K0 parts for me including a complete Yamiya seat etc.
I won't publish the prices he has quoted me but all I can say is that, combined with the general reduction recently from Yamiya, what was once getting on for a £1,000 seat .. Yes £1k .. a few years back is now a very reasonable price. If anyone wants to know the prices with a view to adding to his order then please PM me.
It's obviously a relatively new venture for David, selling CB750 parts / Honda parts but I can tell you after speaking with him that he sounds like one of the 'good guys'. He is trying to get as many orders from us to warrant a part container load for mid-October shipment, so if anyone else wants to order parts now then please go for it. The more he can order, then the cheaper the shipping will be to him. I think we should nurture people like him on here.
Cheers .. Ash