Hit a bit of a wall here guys. So I charged the new battery full, used a flathead to turn the key ignition and put a screw driver in the plug cap, kicked her over and had spark, had fuel in the carb as well. Installed the cap on the spark plug, but wouldn't start or even try to sputter or anything, just kick kick kick. What am I missing?...NO CLUE! took her down to the salvage yard and they adjusted the valve clearance and set points, as well as used a puller to pull off the flywheel and took a look at the " Spark Advancer" I believe he said. HE said the springs were work and not letting the little weights with the back tips do there job. Because of this he said one of those weights is blocking the flywheel from going back on, therefore rendering the bike even further useless until i can figure this out. Online it doesn't seem you can come by these springs anywhere, you can buy the entire assembly, just no springs. Oh yeah it also has no spark anymore. What do I do! Sorry about the crappy pics.
Under the flywheel lies this..

He said this was the problem...

I was told that these things which move back and forth will not stay open and thats what blocking the flywheel from sliding back on.

I really want to get this going for my buddies son before it gets cold so if someone had any advice I would really appreciate it!