The resistance checks are showing that it is time to change them. If you meter readszero with tips of leads together on resistance/ohms settings then checking the wires to the coil and other areas by finding where they terminate if they are a point to point setup you can see if they are having any resistance building in the wire. Any signs of oxidation on the crimp and you should replace the terminal end. Vintage connections sells kits.
Clean the teminals with a good terminal cleaning spray that is plastic safe and connect and disconnect several times. A slight squeeze of the female socket can improve their mechanical connection if at all loose. If it feels loose, replace it. It is a good idea to replace a fee main harness large connectors ad they can develop issues. Hondaman talks about it but I forgot where it was, probably the FAQ. Add Relays your horn and headlamp and add a ground to the headlamp bucket to ensure that it has a solid ground path to the battery.
besure your tail-lamps have a good ground so they are bright. If they are weak, then you want to work on that circuit. Clean terminals and connectors pulling them out of their connectorbodies, carefully when in plastic housing, so you can use a brass brush.
It is time consuming but worth the investment.
A bit of dielectric grease on outside of crimp and female bodies, thin film, will help protect them but, the rubber sheath needs to be good to keep dirt out.
A good compound ratcheting crimper is worth the investment, buy a good brand not a chinese counterfeit. Keep your tooks clean and lightly oiled and they will last. Dirtand moisture and heat (above 50 F) is the breeding ground for rust and corrosion.
Good luck, looks good!