R.h. switch check..Disconnect all 6 wires. SHOULD be continuity during each step.
1. check for continuity between brn/wht and single blk (there are 2, only 1 should show continuity with hHEADLITE switch ON)
2. check for continuity between blk/wht wire and the OTHER remaining blk wire with the KILL switch in RUN position.
3. check for continuity between yel/red wire and grn/red when START button is pressed.
number 3 probably ok, as the start button is working?
check both fuses just for $hi%s and grins.
Try going from lo to hi beam, and wiggle the thumbswitch. Mine did this once, and had the same symptoms, except the idiot lites, i had to recondition the lh switch. Also if you are missing any voltage readings anywhere in the circuit, check your ignition switch .
TL1-TL2 jumped and BATT-IGN jumped will turn the lights on if the rest of the circuits are ok. And of course, WIRED correctly