Make yourself one of these:
Find yourself something round that is the same diameter as the little lip on the inside of the tunnel. In my case, it was a valve shim but a thick washer would work as long as the little hole in the middle isn't very large. Then, take your grinding wheel and grind 2 opposite sides of the round piece so that they're flat like shown in the photo.
Now, you just take the new shim tool and push it up inside behind the bushing...up onto the top of the bushing. The flattened sides let it go past the bushings but the still rounded edges will let it catch the lip when you flatten it out inside the tunnel (I used a magnet and gravity). Now that you have a "solid" surface sitting on top of the bushing, take a piece of pipe or something and insert from the top down onto the new tool and smack it a couple of times with a hammer.
Bill Benton taught me to make this and gave me the valve shim and it turned out to be one of the most useful tools in my tool box.