Just wanted to do an informal reach out and briefly introduce myself:
I'm Nick, I live and work in Colorado, and have had a long time interest in machines. My experience has primarily been in older water-cooled VWs. But lately has been in robotics, rapid prototyping, and the maker movement.
I've been dumped by a girl and inversely gifted a bike. The bike is a 1980 CB650 which someone has converted about halfway to a cafe racer. The other half seems to be in bins and buckets and I'm really excited to slowly become intamate with this forgotten project.
I'm very interested in blending my newly found passion of making things in a clever DIY way within the median of such a cool project/challenge -that is the CB650.
I hope that this blend of skills, passions, and community can benefit more than just myself. Through clever designs (3D printing), group buys (cool custom PCBs/electronics), and collaboration.