Perhaps my subject proclamation is a bit of a stretch, but my mom thinks I'm the cats pajamas, ergo I be the coolest newb.

I just got my first bike on Tuesday. It's a rat of a 78' 550F. Painted flat green with random army/navy supply junk hanging off and a torn up butt-ugly seat, she is sure NOT to turn heads. I love it.
Anyhow. The bike was sitting in a parking lot for over a year. It was covered with a tarp but gas was left in the tank etc. I have cleaned it up , put new gas in, getting new spark plugs etc. I have one problem. The throttle is a SOB to twist. The grip itself twists fine for the first nth of inch but once the cable catches and it actually opens the throttle, it is really hard to twist. My friend that gave me the bike tells me it has always been like that since he got it but we both no it's not normal. The return spring looks to be quite old. Could this need to be replaced? If so, where can I find a replacement?
Ok, sorry for the Newb question. I did do a search and the only thing I could find was that this was probably an issue with my spring but I thought I'd throw the question back out in case someone had another idea. I will post pics of the bike later. Thanks for reading guys, have a nice day!