You guys are really sending me back... I remember when a Honda 305 was a mamoth road machine. Too big, really. After that there was Triumph or Harley, but that was really inconcievable to me then. I saw Easy Rider when it first came out. For me, at the time, it was like getting dunked in the water. Preacher take me now. A religious experience that left me dumbstruck for quite a while. I moved to SanFrancisco right after that, and yes, much of THAT world really was like that. Homemade Harley (and some Honda 750s, too) choppers all over the Haight. Some had front ends so long you had to pop the front end up a couple of times because otherwise they had a turning radius of a limo. These guys, and most hippies, lived lifestyles that would have decimated the colonies; no baths (lots of patchouli oil), lots of pot and assorted drugs, crashing out of the cold/rain whenever/wherever. The Airplane and Gratefuldead were doing free concerts in the park. Unlike today, the rest of the country would have liked to INVITE terrorists in to bomb the place and places like it. That was when Terrorist was an unformed word. Now everyone goes along to get along and raising a question is unpatriotic (what were those freedoms our boys were fighting for again?) Hysterical perspective... watch Easy Rider and talk about the differences between then and now. Could be boring or it might be educational.