I'm sorry TT, lost in translation there. What's a terminal?
A connection point.
The regulator lives in a box. It connects to the ("its") outside world via wires or terminals. The original Vreg had three connections; Black, White, Green. Black and green are the sense/input terminals. These have to have the same voltage potential as the battery in order to know what the battery is doing.
So, you check for Voltage loss (Vloss) by measuring both devices simultaneously with two identical voltmeters.
Or... you place one voltage meter probe tip on the Battery POS post and the other on the Vreg input/Sense connection terminal. (black) The meter reports the difference between the two points.
You should also measure the Battery NEG to Vreg Green. Note the reading and add it to the prior test to give the total error voltage being reported to the Vreg from the battery.
The above tests are done with the keyswitch and all lighting turned on.