Hello all, I'm nearly finished and hope to have my 78 done enough to get inspected next weekend. Though I have a couple things to cover first.
Bike is stock....exhaust, jets, air filter (old but clean), mix screws at manual settings, bench synchronized, floats set perfect.
The bike will start with with just a bump at full choke and idle all day after it warms for a minute. After that, an easy roll of the throttle will kill it unless the choke is still full on, or at least 1/2 to 3/4.
After its sat and idled for about 10 minutes, I can ride it and again, have great full range acceleration with choke pulled. After about a mile or so of actual riding, I can push choke in and although I have hesitation/stumbling up o 1/4 throttle, once past that, it screams like a champ. I believe I may have a slight vac leak at the #2 carb insulator at the carb itself, and plan on pulling carbs tonight to verify/fix.
The accelerator pump is only squirting (only a dribble actually) out of the #2 carb, and I verified all passages were clear/clean with no holes in the diaphragm before previous reassembly.(also reading that this should not effect a slow twist of throttle though). I plan on addressing this another day, as it looks like that can be replaced with the carbs on the bike.
When I rebuilt the carbs, I was a stooge and didn't check the needle position. I can't recall where, but I believe I read the 78's needles are not adjustable. Is this true? If not, is there any way to verify needle setting without splitting the rack?
I know my insulators are crack free, though stiff. And hope some new clamps I got will cure the #2 slight leak issue.
Aside from addressing the leak, double checking needle setting (which I really hope I don't have to split carbs to do), and fiddling with mix screws, is there anywhere else I should be looking?
Also, I need a seat. I'd like to have a stocker, but anything will do at this point. What seats will bolt and go to the 78 with the latch lining up? I'm reading conflicting things on wether they're interchangeable between years.... Of course if Someone has one they'd part with, please let me know.
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