My son got me playing the PLAGUE INC game app a few months before the world took notice of the current outbreak.
The objective? Infect and kill everyone before the CDC and WHO find, manufacture and distribute a cure.
You start the game by naming a bacteria. I named mine Poo. Days are seconds.
Pretty soon, there was a poo outbreak across the globe!
Start it in any contry in the world. You get points for every person you infect, and every person they infect. The points can be used to increase transmission rates and methods, slow cure rates, genetic change upgrades and specific antibiotic resistances.
One cough on a plane full of people, or bad drinking water on a ship going from continent to continent are great transmission methods. Just get one infected person in before International ports are close, and you're on your way to world extinction!
The fact that we are bringing infected people here is crazy scary.