a good day!!!!!
Of course, my granddad always said that any day above ground is a good that should have been obvious.
But, we got the cases split. We built a little homemade stand to hold the cases so that the studs don't get broken.

As a tip for someone else doing this, we found it much easier to get a grip on the lower case half when we stuck screwdrivers through the holes that hold the pins that go through the frame to hold the engine in the frame.

And, voila! We are now able to get to the kickstarter spring to finally try and determine what's wrong with it.

HOWEVER, we do still have one nemesis. This little bastage kick spindle stopper pin. The manual says to rotate the pin to enable removal. But I'll be doggoned if we can get the thing to move. We tried channel locks, vice grips, needle nosed vise grips, a screw driver and pretty much anything else we could think of. Is there some secret trick, like you have to keep your tongue in the left side of your mouth or something?