There are always little niggles to work through.
A few tips on your issues.
Check bleed nipple holes are clear and try sucking fluid through brake nipple with large medical syringe. You can also try gently operating brake with syringe connected.
With shorts, to save going through lots of fuses, you can make up test lead with crocadile clips fitted either side of fuse, connected to a 12 bulb. When the short occurs the bulb glows bright. Check nothing is shorting against rectifier.
Suspect still blockage in No1 carb,if you are getting a spark? (if you have a timing light you could use to connect to HT plug lead to see if light flashes) Maybe also take a look at plug, is it wet? (worth replacing just in case) make sure you can squirt carb cleaner through jet and adjuster screw (removed) and visible coming out of all the exits and clear to the small hole by carb opening.
Try disconnecting lead to oil sensor, if it still lights it may be wire is trapped (check behing gear selector/front sprocket cover and inside starter cover. Also possible to short out at warning light end or could warning light end be connected to an earth connector?
The oil warning light works br supplying a switched live (black) to warning light. When pressue below preset figure, the switch connects to earth thus completing circuit and lighting bulb. Above this pressure, switch opens, so light goes out.