Author Topic: Oil Leak Solutions?  (Read 3654 times)

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Offline alacrity

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Re: Oil Leak Solutions?
« Reply #25 on: September 03, 2014, 09:08:00 PM »
Todzilla.  Get the 13.8.  If your shaft is worn -- bike has more than like 15k miles, it will leak with the 14.  That's prob why honda revised the spec and changed/updated the own part#.  Remove shift lever (first mark index on shaft with white paint so you line it up same way later) Pull the side cover - ezpz 4 m6 screws.  Wear gloves it's messy in there from your leak, dirt ingestion (it's open at the bottom) and chain lube spit-off).  You will prob find it easier to get a couple little #6 sae self tapping screws at the hardware store and at 180 degrees apart screw em a turn into the seal.  Grab each screw with a vice grips and pull straight out.  No picking around and scratching the ridiculously soft aluminum seal seat (learned that on the first cb500 I did).  Clean in there really well.  Feel the seat for burrs or cracks.  Feel the shaft where the seal sits. There a prob a groove or some roughness that tears the seal up as you shift.  Use scotch brite- NOT a file- not steel wool.  Be gentle and slow and remove the leat amount of material to make it smooth to the touch.  Previous poster had good suggestions for installing the new one after the seat and shaft are ready to recieve. Just keep the shaft and the seat really slimy with motor oil or 3-1 before you slide the seal on.   And protect the seal for the razor sharp splines on the end of the shift shaft.  Should be good to go

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I recently restored and sold a 77 cb750f, and am nearly finished with a (former basket case) cb750k5.  This is a place to share, learn and enjoy.  I am grateful to and for 99+% of this site's membership.

Offline alacrity

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Re: Oil Leak Solutions?
« Reply #26 on: September 03, 2014, 09:13:11 PM »
Sorry for typos-- did that on the phone.   The seal itself sits flush against the seat in the case.  You don't wanna f- that up.  You don't wanna screw those little self tappers in any farther than needed to grab and hold the meat of the seal.  The seal is only 1/4" deep... Get screws that start threading in the first 1/4 turn and stay shallow.  Pull hard and straight. It will come

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I recently restored and sold a 77 cb750f, and am nearly finished with a (former basket case) cb750k5.  This is a place to share, learn and enjoy.  I am grateful to and for 99+% of this site's membership.

Offline todzilla220

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Re: Oil Leak Solutions?
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2014, 07:15:02 AM »
Sorry for typos-- did that on the phone.   The seal itself sits flush against the seat in the case.  You don't wanna f- that up.  You don't wanna screw those little self tappers in any farther than needed to grab and hold the meat of the seal.  The seal is only 1/4" deep... Get screws that start threading in the first 1/4 turn and stay shallow.  Pull hard and straight. It will come

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Thanks for the posts!  My head was exploding with 'thats what she said'.   ;D

Offline Jimsun

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Re: Oil Leak Solutions?
« Reply #28 on: October 03, 2014, 04:30:42 AM »
I want to update. Ireplaced mine and no leaks after 500 miles. I also rethreaded my oil pressure sensor. Bone dry in there now :)

Just be careful when removing the gear shaft oring. The gasket is hard and will require a certain angle with an L or a 45 degree pick to grab the gasket out. Also clean that gearshaft underneath as theres usually crud. Apply motor oil and slide it in. The new gasket will have the spring thingy. Itll snap in place.
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Offline Rocky2010

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Re: Oil Leak Solutions?
« Reply #29 on: October 03, 2014, 05:56:10 AM »
My 1971 CB500 I removed the foot peg,the gear lever then the cover then drilled a small hole screwed self tapper screw in hole pulled it straight out with pliers.
Then replaced new oil seal 14X24X5 which i purchased  from a bearing place seems to be a  common oil seal, its not leaking anymore  :)
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