I'm looking for a set of new rings and having trouble (like others here and yes, I think I read all the threads). I believe I need the 13011-410-601 rings but Honda dealer is telling me I need 13011-392-004 rings. I don't know dimensions on the rings he's supplying but talked to him about my 410 piston ring gaps at 0.047", 0.047" and 0.110" and made mention I thought the 392-004 rings were 0.043". He called Honda and confirmed this was the ring for me but didn't get the thickness.. Metric-cycle sells Hui Yang rings advertised as nominal 0.047", 0.047" and 0.100" and I have to wonder how the 1st and 2nd rig will fit as well as having a nominal 0.010 clearance on the oil ring (manual say service limit is 0.005"). metric Cycle advertises the 13011-392-004 ring fitting a number of applications (so it's a compromise?>).
has anyone measured them and anyone used them???
any any options for piston kits for my '78F3?