Well. I bought this bike back in 2009. I spent a 100 bucks on her, and was ready to turn it into a sweet cafe racer.
So in 2009 this is how I picked it up
Looks pretty good. But not my style and it didn't run.
I worked on it a bit, new battery, rebuilt the carbs, took some stuff off and BAM now it looked like this:
and then. the summer of 2010 comes and I hit a deer doing about 65mpg. and this happened to me:
and the bike looked like this:
I never had a lot of money being in college and what not so it took a ton of time, but I started building it back up. I got a new gas tank, which was SUPER ugly
and I sanded it down to raw metal
built a new seat and called it good for the time being.
Now fast forward a couple years. I moved from Chicago with my now wife to Colorado. Rode it around but never really changed anything because I was too broke from continuing college and having a wife. Then, I found out she was pregnant so I went into "holy crap I need to get a job and get money" mode. So I went to sell the bike...but no one wanted it. Everyone wanted to buy it for 300-400 dollars. It is running and riding. I couldn't sell it so I didn't. I kept it and then found a job in California. We moved and got free rent, and a sweet job. So basically I had a surplus of income. So I bought a crap ton of parts and fixed up the bike, of course. So this is the transformation.
Now, it's not perfect. But it's working. riding. and better than ever. I kept it raw, yet functional. I like it a lot thus far. And here are all the parts I bought
Brake lever
Clute Lever
Turn Signal Relay
Vertical License Plate
Spark Plug Wires
Cafe Racer Seat/Pan/Kit
Front Fork Springs
Headlight Assembly
Controls for both right and left
Pod Filters
Throttle Cables/Throttle
Wiring harness/loom
Fork Seals
Starter Relay
LED Turn Signals
LED Tail Light
Rear Shocks
Wiring Harness/Loom
Lot's more parts that I need to get to finish her off for good. Ha. but it's a work in progress. It's only been 5 years!