thanks Jerry, I guess my point was with nominal high side sizing on the journal bore of 0.868" and nominal low side center cam bearing at 0.858" we're already at 0.010" clearance (over the 0.008" max clearance spec and add another 0.002 if the bearing bore is at 0.870" service limit.) for the inner journals. I swapped the L caps and then swapped towers and then swapped L caps and ended up with 0.005" clearance on the outers and 0.009+ (almost .010" with the plasti-guage?) on the inners. My cam measured 0.864" on the outers and 0.858 on the inners. thought I was home free but when I cleaned it up and oiled to make sure it was spinning OK I found it binding and could only fix by swapping the L caps again. I got 1-4 at clearance .007", .0095, .0085, .0055 (I'm marking these puppies now and calling it done.
And PeWe, I couldn't see any scratches going across Base to Cap to link them and my ink markings were washed off. And 754, that is a nice idea but I got close and don't want to take a chance on making things worse...
thanks all!