DAAAAAAAYYYYUUMM!!!! Do you notice the female officer running to help and the male officer just draggin his ass? I think he needs a little motivation to get to the downed biker a bit quicker (like maybe a size 10 up his ass!!!!) Gotta agree with you though CBen....hope the rider was ok and also hope they caught the fool that hit him.
That clip has been around for a while

Turns out the 'fool' that hit the prick on the biker didn't stand a chance of avoiding him, he had come tear-arsing down the outside lane then sliced across the front of the car whilst attempting to stop for the layby the police car was stopped in

and she didn't need catching, she stopped straight away.
The male police officer was quite obviously talking into his radio, more than likely calling in the paramedics

This type of agressive riding is all to common amongst younger bikers in the UK unfortunately

That's why the vast majority of the UK's fatalities & serious injuries at accidents involving motorbikes have no other vehicle involved

The old myth of 'cagers' killing bikers is just that, a myth Bikers (or those back home at any rate) don't need any help dying, they're doing just fine on their own