Author Topic: Nothing to do with bikes, but I just love this...Neil Young, Hey Hey, My, My....  (Read 4365 times)

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Offline sparty

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That is cooler than a penguin's pecker... It is great to find another fan of Neil Young.  I own every Neil Young album, and CD including imports and bootlegs.  You can say that I am just a bit of a fan.

1972 CB750 K2 Cafe' Style

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Offline turtle

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I was a fan until we went to one of his concerts (around 1985?). He was totally wasted and left most of the show to his support acts. Didn't do any of the songs we knew and loved (Heart of Gold album). All round it was a big disappointed and cured us of being fans.
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Offline sparty

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I was a fan until we went to one of his concerts (around 1985?). He was totally wasted and left most of the show to his support acts. Didn't do any of the songs we knew and loved (Heart of Gold album). All round it was a big disappointed and cured us of being fans.

That is unfortunate.  Neil has left those drug induced days behind... at least in concert.

1972 CB750 K2 Cafe' Style

GO AWAY SNOW AND COLD!  Can you see the Hot Rod wants to run...
“That's thirty minutes away. I'll be there in ten.”

Offline ofreen

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I was a fan until we went to one of his concerts (around 1985?). He was totally wasted and left most of the show to his support acts. Didn't do any of the songs we knew and loved (Heart of Gold album). All round it was a big disappointed and cured us of being fans.

Well, that was over 20 years ago.  We saw one of the Greendale shows a couple of years ago, and it was great, to say the least.  If you like his music, you might consider giving him another chance.  He is better than ever, but none of us are getting any younger...
'75 CB750F

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Offline toycollector10

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Yeah, Neil is like my marriage...some days fantastic, some days #$%*e....take the good with the bad, overall, Neill is a genius...
1969  CB 750 K0
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I'm 23 and I think Neil Young ROCKS! My dad was a DJ when I was young and I had to listen to older stuff, then got used to it, and now love it. I like teasing older people when I know who is on the oldies station and they don't and I say " com'on man, that was your era" or "When you get to be my age, you will like the classics too". ;D

Offline turtle

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If (and that's a big IF) he ever came to this part of the world, I think I would rather spend the $200 (usual cost for two tickets) on parts for my bike.
1972 CB350 Four
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Offline ic455

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"I hope Neil Young will remember,

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow"

--Lynyrd Skynyrd

 ;D ;D

Offline keiths

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I love Neil's music, but I swore I'd never go to another of his concerts. He played maybe 3 songs, then walked off the stage and never returned. No refund either.

Offline dusterdude

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"I hope Neil Young will remember,

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow"

--Lynyrd Skynyrd

 ;D ;D
right on bro.
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Offline ic455

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"I hope Neil Young will remember,

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow"

--Lynyrd Skynyrd

 ;D ;D
right on bro.
;D 8)

Offline ofreen

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"I hope Neil Young will remember,

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow"

--Lynyrd Skynyrd

 ;D ;D

You might find this interesting.
'75 CB750F

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Offline ic455

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"I hope Neil Young will remember,

A Southern man don't need him around anyhow"

--Lynyrd Skynyrd

 ;D ;D

You might find this interesting.

Man, that's just reading way too much into a song.  I guess he forgot that music means different things to different people. ;D

Offline ofreen

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Man, that's just reading way too much into a song.  I guess he forgot that music means different things to different people. ;D

The point was that apparently Lynyrd Skynryd weren't as bent out of shape about Neil Young and a couple of his songs as some of you may be.
'75 CB750F

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Offline ic455

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Man, that's just reading way too much into a song.  I guess he forgot that music means different things to different people. ;D

The point was that apparently Lynyrd Skynryd weren't as bent out of shape about Neil Young and a couple of his songs as some of you may be.

I'm not bent out of shape about anything, just like "Sweet Home Alabama" and the little dig at Neil Young.  Nothing against Neil Young or his music, just find it funny.  ICP has a couple tracks that completely slam Eminem, and they're funny as hell, but I still like Eminem. 

Offline ofreen

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.. just like "Sweet Home Alabama" and the little dig at Neil Young. 

Yeah, I always liked the song, too.  The sad thing about the song is the number of people who think the song agrees with their own racist attitude.
'75 CB750F

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Offline ic455

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True.  I never actually gave any thought to whether Skynyrd was racist, never had cause to do so. 


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Now, I'm a Neil Young Fan from 13 years of age. I started playing his songs myself then.
Even had a bunch of Canadians that like to hear me play when I was up there after I left home
at the age of 15 but.....

Neil's perceptions of the South in "Southern Man" and "Alabama" was a perception by
someone who doesn't know Southerners. His perceptions were formed by news media and
city slickers. No offence to the City Slickers on here. I witnessed more racism in northern states
than I ever witnessed in the South. Alex de Toqueville (sp?) said the same thing in his
book "Democracy in America" written in the 1840's. So given that I'm a southron,
I know southrons all over, and will always be a southron, I don't like for folks to
spread misconceptions about the South.

Offline GoatBaSS

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 8) Consider the source and the times, in context. Hardly a time to form battle lines.

Oh and I like Neil Young on many levels,BUT

How is it every Neil Young fan talks up the classics ( of which there are many, I am in fact married to a cinnimon girl) But none of you "fans" ever mention the penultimate but one album... Dare I say it?...

Neil Young and the Shocking Pinks Everybodys Rockin'!

I am almost sure "Kinda Fonda Wanda" was what got him into the rock and roll hall of honors. Thats what got my vote. Wonderin was a great song also.
I did introduce a good little guitar playing Young snob to that album, of which he had no knowledge. I did enjoy watching his head implode as well as his world. Took a semester for him to recover. ;D

Dont get me started on Trans.
Leethal # 3046?
1972 CB750K/900CC Red Headed Dunstall, 1975CB750FSS Gone BNF: 1974CB500T, 1976CB750K X 2


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I like, "Long may you Run"  :) :)


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True.  I never actually gave any thought to whether Skynyrd was racist, never had cause to do so. 

I actually hate Skynyrd For 2 reasons:

1. They play there music WAY too much where I'm from. Hell they used Sweet home ALABAMA in a KENTUCKY fried chicken commercial.

2. I'm 23, what do I know ;D


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That was a really interesting article thanks for sharing ofreen, I like both artists music....I have 6 brothers and they play guitar so as you can imagine i heard *old man* and *needle and the damage done* repeatedly :(........I guess I was to young then to see the story behind the songs...or the references....